Autors: I. Mukchortov., E. Zadorozhnaya., Kandeva, M. K., K. Yakunina., O. Dorokhova.
Title: Non-toxic Antiwear Additive for Food and Biodegradable Lubricants
Keywords: сitric acid esters, aconitic esters, biodegradable lubricant

Abstract: The possibility of using esters of citric and aconitic acids as antiwear (AW) and extreme pressure (EP) additives to vegetable oils has been investigated. The aim of the study is to develop completely non-toxic AW/EP additives for a number of lubricants. Such materials include both biodegradable lubricants based on vegetable oils and lubricants based on synthetic hydrocarbons for food processing equipment. It has been established that esters of polybasic acids and aliphatic alcohols can exhibit antiwear properties at a level comparable to zinc dialkyldithiophosphates. The possibility of increasing the solubility of such additives in vegetable oils at low temperatures when using a mixture of different alcohols for the esterification has also been clarified.



    Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 21, issue 4, pp. 1326-1335, 2020, Bulgaria, SciBulCom Ltd., ISBN ISSN: 1311-5065

    Full text of the publication

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