Autors: Deshpande, V., Poulkov, V. K., Waghole, D.
Title: Adaptive range control scheme to improve QoS for WSNs
Keywords: Adaptive power control; Energy consumption; Network lifetime

Abstract: In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), economical power utilization is crucial analysis drawback since from last twenty years. The WSNs are cluster of energy strained and little sensing element nodes. Since from the emerge of WSN mechanism, researchers conferred numerous ways to enhance the network period of time supported completely different layers like routing protocol, mac (Medium Access Control) protocols etc. except for this the transmission range parameter that is by default fixed in WSNs also can facilitate to reduce the overall power consumption. In this paper, we proposed Adaptively Transmission Range & Minimization of Energy (ATREM) algorithm utilization of the energy resources so as to extend the network period of time of WSNs. The planned algorithm designed to estimate the minimum transmission power for current link for data transmissions..



    International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), vol. 8, issue 8, pp. 33-37, 2019, India, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, ISSN 2278-3075

    Copyright BEIESP

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