Autors: Anguelov, K. P., Tamošiūnienė R., Stoyanova Ts.
Title: Research of motivation of employees in the IT sector in Bulgaria
Keywords: stress, employees, job satisfaction, employee engagement, ta

Abstract: The motivation of professionals is not based solely on good monetary remuneration. Nowadays, every experienced IT professional is interested first and foremost in a healthy work environment in a company and then on the pay level. The employer's assessment takes into account the level of stress, work-life balance, career development prerequisites, as well as the offered social benefits - supplementary health insurance, sports cards, food vouchers, drinks and fruit at work, events with colleagues outside the office, places for creative relaxation at work. Anything that helps the creative workflow because IT professionals, are creators in the field who work and need special conditions to grow their potential and deliver good results. The article explores and analyzes the motivation factors leading to the employees’ commitment of the IT companies in Bulgaria. Basic theoretical points of view are presented and the work of leading researchers in this field is being commented. A methodology



    Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 2556-2567, 2020, Lithuania,

    Copyright Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues

    Full text of the publication

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