Autors: Aleksandar, T. K., Lakasz, A., Kollanyi, Z., Cassens, M., Dengler, R.
Title: Social conditions and health: Arteria Danubia (ArDa) - Results and consequences of a three-country project | Soziale Lage und Gesundheit: Arteria Danubia (ArDa) - Ergebnisse eines Drei-Länderprojektes
Keywords: Donauanrainerstaaten; Dreiländer-Vergleich; Gesundheitsregio

Abstract: The promotion of innovative R&D networks of Danube riverine states was adopted by the EU in 2011 [1]. To implement this strategy, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has launched several competitions of ideas. In this context, the FOM (Essen/Munich) received a bid with its partner organizations ELTE University (Budapest) and the Technical University of Sofia in the field of social conditions and health with the preparatory project proposal “Arteria Danubia”.



    Public Health Forum, 2018, vol. 26, issue 4, pp. 384-387, 2018, Germany, De Gruyter - Springer Verlag,

    Copyright Springer Verlag

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