Autors: Valkovski, T. I., Dimitrov, K. L., Damyanov, I. S.
Title: Surface noise analysis during chassis dynamometer test
Keywords: acoustic, sensor, noise, automobile, road surface

Abstract: This article presents an overview of the idea of measuring the road surface by measuring noise. Current developments show that conventional measurement of road surface condition in motor vehicles is by taking into account the outside temperature, which is relatively inaccurate, taking into account influencing factors such as humidity, season and so on. By measuring the noise from the tire contact of the vehicle with the road surface and analyzing the results, a system can be established to more accurately record the condition of the road surface.



    2021 IV International Conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development (HiTech), 2021, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/HiTech53072.2021.9614205

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