Autors: Velchev, Y. S., Dimitrov, K. L., Angelova, M. A.
Title: Design and implementation of an embedded interactive timing system for medical treatment of patients with learning and attention issues
Keywords: microcontroller, timing, beats matching

Abstract: This article describes the design and implementation of an Embedded Interactive Timing System. Such systems are used in the therapy of children who have learning problems. The matching of different beats can help the brain work more efficiently. A methodology and architecture of an interactive timing is proposed. Open-source software environment and microcontroller is used for the practical realization of the system. Some results of the program functioning are shown



    28th International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2019 - Proceedings, pp. 1-4, 2019, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/ET.2019.8878319

    Copyright IEEE

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