Autors: Christoff, N. V., Manolova, A. H.
Title: Along-Track and Cross-Track Noise Analysis of Minimal Curvature on Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter Data
Keywords: Histogram analyse, Along-track, Cross-track, Altimeter data

Abstract: The planetary surfaces are explored by ground samples or by indirect observations such as images and topographic data. This article examines the topography data from the Mars orbiter laser altimeter (MOLA). The analysis is based on the noise variance of the minimal curvature. A histogram approach to assessing longitudinal and transverse lines laying on geographical features (such as craters) in altimeter data is suggested.



    2020 55th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST), pp. 181-185, 2020, Serbia, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/ICEST49890.2020.9232836

    Copyright IEEE

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