Autors: Ivanov, M. P.
Title: Dew point temperature analyses in ground floor residential room with existing thermal bridge
Keywords: Thermal Bridge, Dew Point Temperature, Field Measurements, B

Abstract: The presented study reveals a dew point temperature analyses in ground floor residential room with existing thermal bridge. The dew point temperature is analysed, based on field measurements of indoor air temperature and relative humidity in the residential room, without organized occupants’ behaviour. Furthermore, the dew point temperature is cross-analysed with existing thermal bridge propagation in one of the outer walls of the room, via infrared thermal images. The results represent a valuable indicator for moisture accumulation over the thermal bridge zone, as well as an indicator for future mold growth and other humidity related problems.



    E3S Web of Conferences, Vol.112 (Article 01017), vol. 112, 2019, Romania, E3S Web of Conferences, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911201017

    Copyright E3S Web of Conferences

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