Autors: Dimitrov, L. V., Nikolic V., Kaljevic J., Jovic S., Petkovic D., Milovancevic M., Dachnikov P.
Title: Survey of quality models of e-learning systems
Keywords: e-learning, Educational technology, Learning environment

Abstract: The main aim of the survey was to present current state of quality models of e-learning systems. Development of the quality models of e-learning systems was explored where some future directions were suggested. The quality models of e-learning systems were analyzed based on their different perspectives and dimensions according to the survey. Based on the survey the quality models applications were proposed according the context of the e-learning systems. Based on the investigated studies the quality characteristics of the e-learning systems were extracted. Different pedagogical characteristic were addressed for some studies. Learner satisfaction was addressed only in several studies. Only one study addresses software usability. As the main results of the survey one can conclude that there is large numbers of quality models of the e-learning systems. Finally, future research direction was suggested based on the results. In the future research the quality models should address different



    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, Germany, ISBN ISSN: 03784371

    Copyright Elsevier

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
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    11. Gromova, T.V., Information Technologies Significance in Higher Education in Context of Its Digitalization, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 133, pp. 19-26 - 2021 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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