Autors: Dimitrov, L. V., Zhmud V.A., Frantsuzova G., Nosek J.
Title: Formalization of requirements for locked-loop control systems for their numerical optimization
Keywords: Control theory, Controllers

Abstract: Methods of designing regulators for locked systems have been studied and developed for more than half a century. Recently, due to the development of computing and software, numerical optimization methods have come to the fore. These methods allow you to effectively calculate the controller for a known mathematical model of a particular object. The developer can get positive such calculations even without sufficiently deep knowledge of the theory of regulation. The greatest difficulty lies in the fact that the requirements for the optimization result, formulated in a technical language understandable to the developer, are transformed into formal requirements that can be taken over by the software that performs these calculations. In this article, these requirements are formulated and systematically set out on the basis of a long experience in the development of these methods and their use for a wide variety of different management tasks



    Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2019, Germany, ISBN ISSN: 21984182

    Вид: книга/глава(и) от книга, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Scopus