Autors: Ganchev, D. S., Kutzarov S., Staikov, K. G., Yochev B.
Title: Investigation of Ultrasonic Properties of Hydrophilic Polymers for Dry-coupled Inspection
Keywords: Ultrasonic Testing (UT), couplant, dry-coupling, wavelet, si

Abstract: The use of dry-coupled ultrasonic techniques is of growing importance for inspection of components with non-uniform surfaces, advanced materials or coatings where the test piece material must not become wet or saturated with water. Rubber-like materials, often used for dry-coupled ultrasonic inspection, do not have the necessary ultrasound properties to make a good match between the transducer and the range of materials such as composites and ceramics since they exhibit high attenuation and can predominantly be used at low transmission frequencies. To overcome these problems, a number of different hydrophilic polymers with equilibrium water contents in the range 30% to 98% by wet weight have been investigated at ultrasonic frequencies 1 MHz to 25 MHz. The change of the ultrasonic velocity and attenuation in a temperature range from 3C to 65C was studied. The ultrasonic properties of hydrophilic polymers are studied and discussed with a view to the development of new dry-coupled probes.



    9th European Conference on NDT, issue 2006, 2006, Germany, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing & Ultrasonics, ISBN ISSN 1435-4934

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