Autors: Dimitrov, L. V., Zhmud V.A., Stukach O., Ivoilov A., Toth H., Sabina G. Title: Suppression of Oscillations of a Two-Wheeled Balancing Robot Keywords: equilibrium sensorinverted pendulummathematical modelnumeric Abstract: The balancing two-wheeled robots are clear proof of the triumph of technology and programming, as well as the theory of automatic control. Developments in this area are carried out in all leading laboratories of robotics. Achievement of high speed and high precision always demonstrate the best professionalism of developers. These developments are relevant due to the applicability of the results in many areas of technology. To measure the angle of deviation from the equilibrium axis, sensors of different nature are used. The most promising for these purposes is MEMS-gyroscopes characterized by small dimensions, high reliability and speed. These sensors are successfully used for these purposes, but it have a characteristic nonlinearity leads to self-oscillations in an equilibrium state. This oscillatory mode cannot be eliminated by any optimization of the PID controller. This paper proposes a method for eliminating these auto-oscillations by applying oscillations from this sensor relati References Issue
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