Autors: Dimitrov, L. V., Grantcharov, A. E.
Title: Knowledge-based smart system core for a globally connected cyber-physical system: Industrial systems security application
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, SCADA, Industry 4.0, security, big

Abstract: As the industrial processes and their control are transitioning to their so called 4.0 version, we are witnessing a dramatic increase in disruptive or destructive attacks on those installations. Naturally, the global connectivity of the Industry 4.0 sensors and actuators, and the use of the Internet as the transfer medium for both the data acquisition and the control signalling, make modern systems conveniently more attackable, than they used to be. The system, which we propose with this paper, might still be a stretch of imagination, but it could be that extra layer of intelligence over a SCADA system, which could bring an agile security functionality to withstand the most common types of cyber-attacks.



    NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security, vol. 51, 2018, Netherlands, IOSPress, ISBN 978-1-61499-888-4

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