Autors: Rozeva, A. G.
Title: Approach for ontological modeling of database schema for the generation of semantic knowledge on the web
Keywords: Semantic Web, Ontology, Database, Relational Schema, Concept

Abstract: Currently there is large quantity of content on web pages that is generated from relational databases. Conceptual domain models provide for the integration of heterogeneous content on semantic level. The use of ontology as conceptual model of a relational data sources makes them available to web agents and services and provides for the employment of ontological techniques for data access, navigation and reasoning. The achievement of interoperability between relational databases and ontologies enriches the web with semantic knowledge. The establishment of semantic database conceptual model based on ontology facilitates the development of data integration systems that use ontology as unified global view. Approach for generation of ontologically based conceptual model is presented. The ontology representing the database schema is obtained by matching schema elements to ontology concepts. Algorithm of the matching process is designed. Infrastructure for the inclusion of mediation betwee



    AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1690, issue 1, pp. 060003, 2015, Bulgaria, AIP Publishing LLC

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