Autors: Kadalev, S. H. Title: Evaluation of the technological radiation sources in the pumping station of the primary circulation loop and on the top of the pool type research reactor Keywords: Induced radiation, Heat carrier activation, Technological ra Abstract: The present paper considers the approach to an assessment of the technological radiation sources in the primary water–water reactor circulation loop. In principle, such an evaluation is a multidisciplinary task that covers not only the irradiation of the nuclei, the formation of new isotopes and their decay when they are unstable, but also calculations in the field of hydraulics in order to perform an assessment of the irradiation time and the decay time. The possible radioisotopes appearance in the pumping station of the primary circulation loop and on the top of the pool type research reactor is discussed. The only secondary source of radiation that has been adopted is the heat carrier’s activated isotopes and the evaluation conditions are well-grounded. The initial isotopic composition of the heat carrier has been adopted according to the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). References Issue
Вид: статия в списание, публикация в издание с импакт фактор