Autors: Yosifova, V. K., Tasheva, A. T., Trifonov, R. I.
Title: Most commonly used machine learning algorithms for cybersecurity incident reports classification
Keywords: Machine Learning, Incident Response, Cybersecurity Incident

Abstract: The challenge for information security industry is creating reliable models for classification of unified incident reports, so-called "tickets", as to eliminate the human factor as a cause of delay and mistakes. With the increasing amount of cybersecurity incidents, the automatic detection of anomalies and trends in incidents response systems is essential. Machine learning methods are used to speed up response and increase the quality in the management of incidents reports. Automatic classification of the tickets according to a common taxonomy allows computer security professionals to follow international standards for the next steps in processing the incidents. This paper makes a survey of the most popular and common used machine learning algorithms for cybersecurity incidents classification.



    International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2020, 2020, Bulgaria,

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