Autors: Ivanov, M.P., Rozeva, A. G., Tsankova, R.S.
Title: Investigation of models for preliminary classification of “good practices” in administration management processes
Keywords: Text classification, clustering, Weka

Abstract: Initial steps for tacit knowledge extraction from good practices in administration management processes have been performed. They refer to investigation of the preliminary classification of good practices with the models included in the text mining module of Weka software system. The document corpus for analysis contains 71 different items in the field of e-Governance obtained from the digital library on the site as well as from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) digital store. Part of the documents (26) is full-text publications and the rest ones are short annotations. Texts have been initially pre-processed and represented in the Weka (Witten and Frank, 2011) specific input document format.



    Management of public and business administration processes by means of collaboration and knowledge, pp. 84-100, 2012, Bulgaria, Technical University – Sofia, ISBN 978-954-438-971-0

    Вид: монография/части от монография, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Google Scholar