Autors: Yahov, I. A., Elenkov, A. A.
Title: Digital Agriculture Industry - Current Situation On The Basis of Existing Researches And Share Facts
Keywords: digital agriculture industry, smart production, automated sy

Abstract: Despite the big and rapid growth of technologies during the 21st century, there is still an industry that is lagging behind with the optimization and launch of its digi-tal transformation. In fact, this is the agricultural sector. Therefore, in recent years, many attempts have been made to develop and implement optimized processes and technologies, in order to increase production and reduce costs while maintaining product quality. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the current situa-tion on the basis of existing researches and share facts.



    International conference Automatics’2020, vol. 70, issue 3, 2020, Bulgaria, Proceedings of TU-Sofia, ISBN ISSN: 2738-8549; ISSN: 2738-8530 (print)

    Copyright Proceedings of TU-Sofia

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