Autors: Ivanova, M. S., Ilieva, R. Y., Lu, Zh. Title: Construction of Fuzzy-Classification Expert System in Cerebral Palsy for Learning Performance Facilitation Keywords: expert system, learning performance, cerebral palsy, rehabil Abstract: The paper presents a novel method and conceptual architecture for implementation of fuzzy-classification expert system in the domain of rehabilitation methods for cerebral palsy. The expert system includes two blocks: Fuzzy block utilizing fuzzy algorithms for multi-criteria decision making and Machine learning block based on algorithms for tree classification and KMeans clustering. The proposed solution is designed for facilitation the learning performance of university students as well as for professionals who have to make decisions in the area of cerebral palsy and corresponding rehabilitation methods. References Issue
Copyright Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 Full text of the publication |
Цитирания (Citation/s):
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4. Mouti, S., Al-Chalabi, H., A smart system for student performance assessment (SPA), Scientific Reports, 14(1), 20679, 2024. - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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