Autors: Karagyozov, T. S., Tzaneva, B. R., Videkov, V. H.
Title: Fabrication of Nanocomposite Based of Copper Nanowires and Siliconе Rubber
Keywords: anodic oxide template; copper nanocomposite; copper nanowire

Abstract: In this work the influence of the diluent amount and the method of introduction of copper nanowires on silicone for preparation of nanocomposite material was investigated. Toluene (T) added to fresh silicone liquid (S) in S:T proportions from 1:1 to 1:4 was used as a diluent. The fragmentation of separate nanowires and their distribution in silicone matrix was examined by optical microscopy. The optimal technological conditions for maximum dispersion and homogeneous mixing have been established.



    Proc. XI National Conference with International Participation "Electronica 2020", 2020, Bulgaria, IEEE, ISBN 978-1-7281-7531-7

    Copyright IEEE

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