Autors: K. Chernykova., I. Vrublevsky., Videkov, V. H., Tzaneva, B. R. Title: Study of microstructure of porous anodic alumina films formed in malonic acid in the wide range of aluminum anodizing voltages Keywords: porous anodic alumina, nanostructured aluminum surface, inte Abstract: In present paper the microstructure parameters of porous anodic alumina films formed by the anodizing of aluminum in the aqueous solution of malonic acid at different anodizing voltages was studied. The morphology of structured surface of aluminum film was studied using a scanning electron microscope after selective removal of anodic film. The results obtained for anodic films formed in malonic acid during anodizing in the range of 15-80 V allowed to determine that change in the interpore distance with the anodizing voltage is linear function with a slope of 1.45. The key conclusion was made that mechanical stress in anodic alumina layer is the main factor responsible for formation of the nanoporous structure of anodic alumina films. References Issue
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