Autors: Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M. Title: A Nonlinear Drift Memristor Model with a Modified Biolek Window Function and Activation Threshold Keywords: memristor; nonlinear ionic drift; modified Biolek window fun Abstract: The main idea of the present research is to propose a new memristor model with a highly nonlinear ionic drift suitable for computer simulations of titanium dioxide memristors for a large region of memristor voltages. For this purpose, a combination of the original Biolek window function and a weighted sinusoidal window function is applied. The new memristor model is based both on the Generalized Boundary Condition Memristor (GBCM) Model and on the Biolek model, but it has an improved propertyan increased extent of nonlinearity of the ionic drift due to the additional weighted sinusoidal window function. The modified memristor model proposed here is compared with the Pickett memristor model, which is used here as a reference model. After that, the modified Biolek model is adjusted so that its basic relationships are made almost identical with these of the Pickett model. After several simulations of our new model, it is established that its behavior is similar to the realistic Pickett m References Issue
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