Autors: PAVLIKA,V. Title: A numerical algorithm for solving Laplace and Pisson type partial differential equations on a uniform rectangular mesh with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions Keywords: numerical algorithm, Laplace and Poisson type equations, Dir Abstract: In this paper a numerical algorithm is described for solving the boundary value problem associated with Laplace and Poisson type equations with Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions. An analytic treatment of the governing partial differential equation is undertaken to illustrate the unsuitability of attempting a solution using the technique of separation of variables. Exact solution are set up and the algorithm is compared against this exact solution determined on a unit square. The technique used was found to be in good agreement with the exact solution that were considered. The governing partial differential equation arises naturally when considering flow problems when the physical plane with the mutually orthogonal coordinates being the stream function Ψ(x,y) and the velosity ptencial function φ(x,y) as descibed in Pavlika [5]. References Issue
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