Autors: Spasov, G. V., Petrova, D. L., Стефанова-Пеева П.
Title: A Distributed Clinical Information System for Pediatric Surgery – Basics and Specifics
Keywords: Clinical Information System, Electronic Health Records

Abstract: The basic concepts and specific requirements for design of a distributed clinical information system for pediatric surgery are presented in this paper. The system is based on the Service Oriented Architecture, which ensures its interoperability. Web service adapters are proposed as a means to provide integration of the system with other existing e-health systems. The specific health information (investigations, treatments, diagnoses, etc.) for the patients of a pediatric surgery department is organized and stored in electronic health records. The main part of this information, concerning the undertaken surgical interventions and the treatment’s results, is submitted as free text. The system described in the paper is designed to provide support for the physicians and PhD students in the department conducting scientific research in the area by allowing extended, different criteria searches and analysis of stored information for pediatric surgery cases.



    Mipro 2012, 2012, Croatia, ISBN 978-953233072-4

    Full text of the publication

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