Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Идентичност, принадлежност, другост в трансформациите на отношенията служител - работодател
Ключови думи: cultural identity, belonging, otherness, responsibility, tra

Абстракт: This paper is aiming to consider some changes and new meanings in the essential constructs of identity, belonging, and otherness. The work and self-awareness of transnational professionals define а particular context in which identities are transformed today. Some novel aspects are described on the basis of meta-analysis of literature in cross-cultural human resource management, organizational ethics, and intercultural communication. Among them is the issue of cosmopolitanism as cognitive structure and cultural capital. The figure of the cosmopolitan manager with its positive and negative features is outlined. A guidance has been formulated for manager's soft skills in a cross-cultural environment.



    XVII International Scientific Conference “Management and Engineering’19”, том 2, стр. стр. 708-718, 2019, България, Sozopol, TУ-София, ISBN ISSN 1314-6327

    Издателските права се държат от TU - Sofia

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Keywords: cultural identity, belonging, otherness, responsibility, transnational professionals, cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitan manager, cultural capital.

    Abstract: This paper is aiming to consider some changes and new meanings in the essential constructs of identity, belonging, and otherness. The work and self-awareness of transnational professionals define а particular context in which identities are transformed today. Some novel aspects are described on the basis of meta-analysis of literature in cross-cultural human resource management, organizational ethics, and intercultural communication. Among them is the issue of cosmopolitanism as cognitive structure and cultural capital. The figure of the cosmopolitan manager with its positive and negative features is outlined. A guidance has been formulated for manager's soft skills in a cross-cultural environment.



      XVII International Scientific Conference “Management and Engineering’19”. June 2019., vol. Vol. II, pp. 708-718, 2019, Bulgaria, Sozopol, TU-Sofia, ISBN ISSN 1314-6327

      Copyright TU - Sofia

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