Autors: Evtimova, M. E., Momtchev, I. M.
Title: A model of hybrid ontology for Medical Information
Keywords: Big data,Case based reasoning,Fuzzy logic,Ontology,Probabili

Abstract: It is proposed a model of hybrid ontology that is case based, but is also suitable for big data as it is implemented rules. This ontology is divided into three parts- crisp part, fuzzy and probability part and big data part. Ontology use theory of the fuzzy sets with addition of probability logic for the realization of the fuzzy and probability part of the ontology. This hybrid ontology is suitable for vague and uncertain reasoning as it improve the quality of the returned results. Quality of the returned results is very important in the medical domain.



    Journal of Computer & Communications engineering, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 23-26, 2016, Bulgaria, ISBN ISSN:1314- 2291

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