Autors: Krastev, O. M., Velkov, K. H., Krastev M. O.
Title: Selection of the locomotive series for modernization, based on multicriterion analysis
Keywords: Decision making, locomotives, modernization, multi-criteria

Abstract: In the paper is presented one different approach than traditionally used for choosing the suitable for modernization locomotives. It is based on well-known multi-criteria optimization methods and specially build software system. This approach is useful when one of several similar looking alternatives should be chosen and allows extracting necessary data for specific purpose. It is demonstrated with example from practice, solving an optimization task based on real data



    RAILCON’14, pp. 193-196, 2014, Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Niš, ISBN 978-86-6055-060-8

    Вид: пленарен доклад в международен форум, публикация в реферирано издание