Autors: Velkov, K. H., Krastev, O. M., Purgic, S. S.
Title: About the process of brake weight losing in the freight trains
Keywords: Railway, braking systems, braked weight, long train

Abstract: This study is dedicated to the process of braked weight loss in freight trains, a phenomenon observed on freight trains with increased length. Our research is based on results received from test bench for train braking systems stationed in Laboratory of Department of railway engineering. Using these results the braking efforts were calculated for different track gradients and different initial braking velocities. The analysis of the calculated braking forces allows identifying the points at which the braked weight is getting lost



    RAILCON’14, pp. 29-32, 2014, Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Niš, ISBN 978-86-6055-060-8

    Вид: постер/презентация в международен форум, публикация в реферирано издание