Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Димова, Б. Д., Цонев, В. Ц.
Заглавие: Изследване на ефекта на концентрацията за U–образни пробни тела върху градиента на напреженията
Ключови думи: умора, уморна прогноза, градиент на напреженията, концентрат

Абстракт: -



    VII Международен конгрес „Машини, Технологии, Материали”, том 1, стр. стр. 85-88, 2010, България, София, Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене - София, ISSN 1310-3946
    Autors: Dimova, B. D., Tsonev, V. T.
    Title: Study of U-shaped specimen concentration effect upon stress gradient
    Keywords: fatigue, fatigue life prediction, stress gradients, notch-tip stress distribution

    Abstract: The paper presents the results of numerical and experimental linear elastic analyses carried out to investigate the stress gradient of notched U-shaped specimens. Specimens with different U- shaped notch geometry subjected to uniaxial tensile loading have been considered. It was shown that the stress fields around the notch-tip are similar to each other regardless the notch shape. The most familiar analytical functions describing the stress field at the notch-tip have been presented. Some of the available approximation formulas are verified with the obtained numerical data. Comparison of results is shown and is discussed.



      VII International congress “Machinery, Technology, Materials”, vol. 1, pp. 85-88, 2010, Bulgaria, Sofia, Scientific-technical union of mechanical engineering, ISSN 1310-3946

      Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание