Autors: Slavchev, S. S., Maznichki, V. Y., Stoilov, V. M., Purgic, S. P.
Title: Strength analysis of hopper freight wagon with regard to lightweight design
Keywords: Strength, analysis, freight wagon, lightweight design

Abstract: The paper presents the optimization of wagon Falns 278 with a goal of weight reduction in order to increase the wagon maximal payload. Initial construction strength was calculated in Department of Railway Engineering at Technical University Sofia. Strength calculations are done using finite elements method. All prescribed load cases were applied to the wagon construction. The results of carried out strength calculations show, that the wagon’s initial construction has very high strength. This motivated the research team to conduct optimization of initial design in order to reduce wagon’s own weight and in that way to increase maximal payload capacity of the wagon by keeping the wagon body strength in prescribed limits. After applying some of lightweight techniques, the strength analysis of optimized design was conducted. The results of the strength analysis were satisfactory and the wagon's own mass was reduced.



    International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies BulTrans-2018, pp. 106-109, 2018, Bulgaria, Technical University Academic Publishing House, ISSN 1313-955X

    Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание