Autors: GEGOV,A.
Title: From Fuzzy Systems to Fuzzy Networks
Keywords: Complex processes, fuzzy models, fuzzy systems, fuzzy networ

Abstract: A fuzzy system is a ‘black box’ model in the form of a single large rule base which does not take into account any interconnections in a complex process. As opposed to this, a fuzzy network is a ‘white box’ model in the form of multiple smaller rule bases which takes into account all interconnections. This paper introduces briefly the theoretical foundations of fuzzy networks including formal models, basic operations, structural properties and advanced manipulations. It also highlights fuzzy networks with feedforward and feedback connections. Finally, a comparative evaluation of fuzzy networks in relation to fuzzy systems is presented.



    9th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS (FS’08), pp. 120-125, 2008, Bulgaria,

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