Title: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Concept for Navigation of Mobile Agents in Unknown Environment
Keywords: mobile agents, path-planning, unknown environment, Intuition

Abstract: Navigation in unknown environments is a hot topic for virtual and real mobile agents’ (robots) application in exploration of hazardous places on the Earth or other planets investigation in the space where the utilization of GPS systems or high-resolution geographical maps is not available. The paper will give a concept for uncertainty treating in an unknown environment, which implements the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFS) concept into a multi-agent system of mobile agents (robots). We will show an idea of how to create a map of an unknown environment, evaluated in terms of IFS, which is used for path-planning of mobile agents and uncertainty copying that produce an assumption of safe path existing, obtained via the algorithm A* applied over a virtual grid-world. Additionally, an option for possible correction of the map uncertainty in case of A* path-plan failure with the help of the operator Fα,β, defined over IFS will be discussed.



    9th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS (FS’08), pp. 49-53, 2008, Bulgaria,

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