Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Скука и скука на работа: културологични и мениджърски аспекти.
Ключови думи: boredom, boredom at work, approaches to boredom, geography o

Абстракт: This paper aims to investigate boredom and boredom at work (boreout) from culturological and managerial perspective. These two phenomenon are insufficiently analyzed despite the interest to the experience of boredom from psychology and sociology. Both notions are considered within the framework of cultural history of emotions.Classical (and forgotten) word aсedia is related to contemporary boredom but do not address it directly. Cultural history of social perception of boredom is an important focus in this analysis. Boredom is seen in the context of play and workas well as in temporal perspective. Boredom at work (boreout) is defined as an emotional condition characterized by lacking in stimulation and meaningful work. Boredom at work is associated with „addiction” to searching for meaning.



    Сп. Медии и обществени комуникации, брой 17, стр. стр. 20, 2013, България, София, УНСС Издателски комплекс, ISBN 2008- 1314-362X

    Издателските права се държат от УНСС

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Title: Boredom and boreout: cultural and managerial aspects
    Keywords: boredom, boredom at work, approaches to boredom, geography of boredom, existential boredom, boredom and meaningful work.

    Abstract: This paper aims to investigate boredom and boredom at work (boreout) from culturological and managerial perspective. These two phenomenon are insufficiently analyzed despite the interest to the experience of boredom from psychology and sociology. Both notions are considered within the framework of cultural history of emotions.Classical (and forgotten) word aсedia is related to contemporary boredom but do not address it directly. Cultural history of social perception of boredom is an important focus in this analysis. Boredom is seen in the context of play and workas well as in temporal perspective. Boredom at work (boreout) is defined as an emotional condition characterized by lacking in stimulation and meaningful work. Boredom at work is associated with „addiction” to searching for meaning.



      Media and public communication, issue 17, pp. 20, 2013, Bulgaria, Sofia, UNSS Publishing complex, ISBN 2008- 1314-362X

      Copyright УНСС

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