Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Етично поведение и време: феноменът етически мираж.
Ключови думи: ethical behavior and time, attitude towards time in business

Абстракт: An academic study, critical analysis and interpretation of a new concept in organizational and behavioral research, named ethical mirage are proposed in this article. The notion is seen in perspective of applied ethics. It gives an opportunity to understand some less explored aspects of business conduct and communication. The analysis of ethical behavior is based on seeing it in a three dimensional time perspective. Connection between temporality and ethicality of behavior and judgments is a basic principle for this analysis. From the perspective of time trihotomy the so called "bounded ethicality" is considered and the phenomenon of ethical fading is studied as an explanatory mechanism for incommensurability between ethical judgments in the process of predicting, acting and reconstructing behavior as well. The approach proposed in this article could be useful in organizational, managеment, and consulting practices.



    Сп. Медии и обществени комуникации, том 1, стр. стр. 20, 2012, България, София, УНСС Издателски комплекс, ISBN 2008- 1314-362X

    Издателските права се държат от УНСС

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Title: Ethical behavior and time: the phenomenon of ethical mirage
    Keywords: ethical behavior and time, attitude towards time in business communications, ethical mirage, ethical fading, role of metaphors and constructs in behavioral sciences

    Abstract: An academic study, critical analysis and interpretation of a new concept in organizational and behavioral research, named ethical mirage are proposed in this article. The notion is seen in perspective of applied ethics. It gives an opportunity to understand some less explored aspects of business conduct and communication. The analysis of ethical behavior is based on seeing it in a three dimensional time perspective. Connection between temporality and ethicality of behavior and judgments is a basic principle for this analysis. From the perspective of time trihotomy the so called "bounded ethicality" is considered and the phenomenon of ethical fading is studied as an explanatory mechanism for incommensurability between ethical judgments in the process of predicting, acting and reconstructing behavior as well. The approach proposed in this article could be useful in organizational, managеment, and consulting practices.



      Media and public communication, vol. 1, pp. 20, 2012, Bulgaria, Sofia, UNSS Publishing complex, ISBN 2008- 1314-362X

      Copyright УНСС

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