Autors: Lacour, S., Podevin, P., Punov, P. B.
Title: Fuels saving using direct adiabatic cooling instead conventional air conditioning for a tractor cabin
Keywords: adiabatic cooling, vehicle compartment, thermal balance, fue

Abstract: In this paper, we study the interest of the techniques of adiabatic cooling to cooling down a cabin of an agricultural machine. Recordings of the activity of a tractor in real situation are used for studying the temperatures inside the cabin along a typical working day. From these observations, we adapted a model to estimate the thermal exchanges of the cabin with the environment. The solar incomes are estimated under various countries in France and the ventilation rate is taken into account. We substitute then the air conditioning by a system that mists water droplets on the air admission for the cabin. The efficiency of this cooling system depends mainly of the atmospheric conditions and we establish, for various weather situations, the cooling capacity of this process. So the temperatures inside the cabin are assessed, as well as the water consumption. These results add to efficiency assessment about adiabatic cooling systems for industrial vehicles.


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BulTrans-2015, pp. 144-152, 2015, Bulgaria, TU-Sofia, ISBN 1313-955Х

Copyright Technical University Academic Publishing House

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