Autors: Chernyakova K., Vrublevsky I., Tzaneva, B. R., Videkov, V. H., Dinh T. Title: Surface morphology analysis and nanoporous structure quantification by digital processing of SEM images of anodic aluminium oxide films Keywords: anodic alumina; interpore distance; nanoporous structure; st Abstract: The morphology of the surface of thin nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide films on SiO2/Si substrates formed in oxalic, sulfamic and malonic acid at 20 V was studied by means of SEM. SEM images were processed with ImageJ allowed to calculate the parameters of the nanoporous structure. It is shown that for the studied anodic films, the inter-pore distance (cell size) was independent of the anodizing acid. The obtained results indicate that mechanical stress in anodic films, which is occuring during anodizing, is due to large volume expansion control of growth of the nanoporous structure. References Issue
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