Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Тодоров, Д. Т.
Заглавие: Прилагане на модели на надеждност и невронни мрежи при анализ на нормални и аварийни режими в електроенергиен обект
Ключови думи: дърво на отказите, невронна мрежа, теория на множествата

Абстракт: В работата е извършено разработване на модел на надеждност на електро-енергиен обект с дърво на отказите. Извършено е абстрактно дефиниране на задачата за определяне на повреден участък, чрез теорията на множест-вата. Предложен е метод за използване на минималните пътища и мини-малните сечения при обучение на линейна невронна мрежа с обратно разп-ространение на грешката.


  1. Fukui, Ch., K. J., 1986, Еxpert system for fault section estimation using information from protective relays and circuit breakers, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, том 1/4, стр. стр. 83-90
  2. Chan, E. H. P, 1989, Application of neural-network computing in intelligent alarm processing (power systems), Seattle, WA, USA, USA, 1-5 May, <Power Industry Computer Application Conference>, IEEE
  3. Yang Hong-Tzer, C. W.-Y. H. C.-L, 1994, New Neural networks approach to on-line fault section estimation using information of protective relays and circuit breakers, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, том 9/1, стр. стр. 220-230
  4. Zhang N., K. M., 2004, Verifying the Protection System Operation Using an Advanced Fault Analysis Tool Combined with the Event Tree Analysis, e-book, Power Systems Engineering Research Center, Arizona State University, <http://pserc.wisc.edu/documents/publications/papers/2004_general_publications/md-000538.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 29.08.2018
  5. Kezunovic, M. B, 2007, Use of intelligent techniques for analysis of faults and protective relay operations, Tampa, FL, USA, 24-28 June, <Conference of 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting>, IEEE
  6. Endrenyi, J, 1979, Reliability modeling in electric power systems, New York, Wiley
  7. Малчев, К, 2008, Надеждност в електоренергетиката, София, ТУ-София
  8. Limnios, N, 2005, Fault trees, France, Hermès Science/Lavoisier
  9. Пеева, K, 2010, Линейна алгебра, София, ТУ - София


Годишник на ТУ София, том 1, брой 67, стр. стр. 291-300, 2017, България, София, ТУ-София, ISSN 1311-0829

Издателските права се държат от ТУ-София

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Todorov, D. T.
Title: Implementation of reliability analysis models and neural networks in fault section estimation
Keywords: fault section estimation, neural network, reliability, fault trees, minimal paths, min-imal cuts, set theory

Abstract: In the work reliability modeling with fault trees is implemented in fault section esti-mation. Finding faulted sections and faulted elements are defined as mathematical abstractions from set theory point of view. Minimal paths and minimal cuts are used as patterns in learning process of neural network with back propagation of er-ror.


  1. Fukui, Ch., K. J., 1986, Еxpert system for fault section estimation using information from protective relays and circuit breakers, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, том 1/4, стр. стр. 83-90
  2. Chan, E. H. P, 1989, Application of neural-network computing in intelligent alarm processing (power systems), Seattle, WA, USA, USA, 1-5 May, <Power Industry Computer Application Conference>, IEEE
  3. Yang Hong-Tzer, C. W.-Y. H. C.-L, 1994, New Neural networks approach to on-line fault section estimation using information of protective relays and circuit breakers, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, том 9/1, стр. стр. 220-230
  4. Zhang N., K. M., 2004, Verifying the Protection System Operation Using an Advanced Fault Analysis Tool Combined with the Event Tree Analysis, e-book, Power Systems Engineering Research Center, Arizona State University, <http://pserc.wisc.edu/documents/publications/papers/2004_general_publications/md-000538.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 29.08.2018
  5. Kezunovic, M. B, 2007, Use of intelligent techniques for analysis of faults and protective relay operations, Tampa, FL, USA, 24-28 June, <Conference of 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting>, IEEE
  6. Endrenyi, J, 1979, Reliability modeling in electric power systems, New York, Wiley
  7. Малчев, К, 2008, Надеждност в електоренергетиката, София, ТУ-София
  8. Limnios, N, 2005, Fault trees, France, Hermès Science/Lavoisier
  9. Пеева, K, 2010, Линейна алгебра, София, ТУ - София


Proceedings of Technical University of Sofia, vol. 67, issue 67, pp. 291-300, 2017, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU-Sofia, ISSN 1311-0829

Copyright ТУ-София

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1. Fault section estimation in electric power distribution system with Elman neural network - 2018 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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