Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Ключови думи: competence, digital competence, intercultural competence, cu

Абстракт: The paper describes the process of conceptualization of digital competence, intercultural competence, and cultural intelligence in the perspective of organizational behavior and in the context of self-assessment and personal development. Cultural differences in understanding details of a competent person are discussed. The meaning of cultural intelligence as a new instrument for measurement the ability to function successfully in different cultural and national contexts is defined. It is argued that digital and cultural competencies are closely interconnected. Digital competence is a type of transversal competence. It is inseparable from cultural intelligence in international teams and projects. In conclusion, opportunities for future exploration of digital and cross-cultural competencies are identified through the concept of dexterity - cultural and digital.



    Юбилейна Десета международна науна конференция «Е-управление и е-комуникации», юни 2018, Созопол. Сборник трудове., том 1, брой 1, стр. стр. стр.133-140, 2018, България, София, ТУ-София, ISBN ISSN 2534-8523

    Издателските права се държат от TУ-София

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Keywords: competence, digital competence, intercultural competence, cultural intelligence, cross-cultural communication

    Abstract: The paper describes the process of conceptualization of digital competence, intercultural competence, and cultural intelligence in the perspective of organizational behavior and in the context of self-assessment and personal development. Cultural differences in understanding details of a competent person are discussed. The meaning of cultural intelligence as a new instrument for measurement the ability to function successfully in different cultural and national contexts is defined. It is argued that digital and cultural competencies are closely interconnected. Digital competence is a type of transversal competence. It is inseparable from cultural intelligence in international teams and projects. In conclusion, opportunities for future exploration of digital and cross-cultural competencies are identified through the concept of dexterity - cultural and digital.



      X-th Anniversary International Scientific Conference “E-Governance and E-Communiacation”, June 2018, Sozopol. Confrence Proceedings., vol. 1, issue 1, pp. стр.133-140, 2018, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU-Sofia, ISBN ISSN 2534-8523

      Copyright TУ-София

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