Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Христов, В. Д.
Заглавие: Изследване фактора на мощността при елктрозадвижвания с различни класове асинхронни двигатели
Ключови думи: separately excited dc motor, extended kalman filter, nonline

Абстракт: This research considered to question related of estimate the speed of separately excited direct current motor to control magnetic field with weakening. The weakening of the magnetic field of the DC machine has a nonlinear character, which must be consistent with the use of nonlinear observer. Synthesizing an observer with an extended Kalman filter in Simulink and are made simulation studies. Simulation studies were carried out with a 40% reduction in the supply voltage to the exciting coil, respectively, reducing the magnetic field. The model of the dc motor comprises a non-linear relationship between excitation current and magnetic flux, this is accomplished by means of the magnetization curve of the motor. Studies were made and by 20% increase in resistance of anchors and excitation coil. From all simulation studies the mistakes estimated speed during steady state remain below 0.3%



    Унитех -2015 Габрово, 2015, България, Габрово, ТУ-Габрово, ISBN ISSN1313-230X

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Hristov, V. D.
    Keywords: separately excited dc motor, extended kalman filter, nonlinear field weakening, speed estimation, control field.

    Abstract: This report research to power factor in asynchronous motors of the new generation of premium efficient asynchronous motor and plain old standard motor. Studies were made in a wide range of research relative to the load. Studies were conducted in direct start of asynchronous motors and with frequency control with vector control. In studies energy efficient motor premium efficient shows a better power factor over the entire range of research, but nevertheless the power factor is less than the desired 0.9. Introducing frequency control with vector control improves the power factor to desire



      Унитех -2015 Габрово, 2015, Bulgaria, Габрово, ТУ-Габрово, ISBN ISSN1313-230X

      Full text of the publication

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