Autors: Bucz,St., Kozakova,A., Vesely.V. Title: SINE-WAVE TYPE ROBUST PID CONTROLLER DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH UNSTABLE ZERO Keywords: Gain margin, excitation signal, identification level, B-para Abstract: Non-minimum phase processes belong to the category of difficult-to-control plants.This paper deals with development of a new robust PID controller design method that guarantees maximum overshoot and settling time specified by the designer especially for non-minimum phase processes with unstable zero.The PID controller design provides guaranteed gain margin GM.The parameter of the tuning rules is a suitably chosen point of the plant frequency response obtained by a sine-wave signal with excitation frequency ωn.The designed controller then moves this point into the phase crossover with the required gain margin GM.The couple(ωn;GM) is specified with respect to engineering requirements on the closed-loop step response in terms of ηmax and ts according to parabolic dependences.The new approach has been verified on a vast batch of benchmark examples.The developed algorithm has been extended to robust PID controller design for processes with unstable zero and unstructured uncertainties. References Issue
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