Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Тренчева, Х. Г., Кунчев, Л. П.
Заглавие: Моделиране поведението на лек автомобил при движение с престрояване
Ключови думи: движение с престрояване, автомобил, моделиране

Абстракт: В настоящата работа се представят резултати получени от математическото моделиране на лек автомобил, с чиято помощ може да се представи пътното му поведение по време на „движение с престрояване“. Изходни данни за модела са взети от стандарта ISO 3888-2: 2002. Получените резултати показават влиянието на скоростта на движение и разположението на масовия център на автомобила върху курсовата му устойчивост на движение.


  1. Milliken, W., Milliken, D., 1995, Race car and vehicle dynamics, Warrendale, SAE International
  2. Lundahl, K., 2013, Optimization for Critical Vehicle Maneuvers, Ph.D., <Linköping University, The Institute of Technology>
  3. Lozia, Z., 1992, An analysis of vehicle behaviour during lane-change manoeuvre of an uneven road surface, Vehicle System Dynamics, том 20(1), стр. стр. 417-431
  4. O'Hara, S., R.,, 1950, Vehicle path optimization of emergency lane change maneuvers for vehicle simulation, MSc, <University of Maryland>
  5. ISO 3888-2:2011. Passenger cars – Test track for a severe lane-change manoeuvre – Part 2: Obstacle avoidance
  6. Segel, M., 1956, Theoretical prediction and experimental substantiation of the response of the automobile to steering control., Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Automobile Division, том 10(1), стр. стр. 310-330
  7. Wong, J., 1978, Theory of ground vehicles, New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


Научни трудове на Русенския университет, том 54, брой 4, стр. стр. 13-18, 2015, България, Русе, РУ "Ангел Кънчев", ISSN 1311-3321
Autors: Georgieva, H. I., Kunchev, L. P.
Title: Modeling of lane change behavior of vehicle
Keywords: modeling, vehicle, lane change maneuve

Abstract: The paper presents results of mathematical modeling of vehicle motion during lane change maneuver. Test conditions, method, data processing, analysis and presentation are according to ISO 3888-2:2002. Obtained results showed that vehicle directional stability and handling performance was mainly influenced by the vehicle speed and position of vehicle center of gravity.


  1. Milliken, W., Milliken, D., 1995, Race car and vehicle dynamics, Warrendale, SAE International
  2. Lundahl, K., 2013, Optimization for Critical Vehicle Maneuvers, Ph.D., <Linköping University, The Institute of Technology>
  3. Lozia, Z., 1992, An analysis of vehicle behaviour during lane-change manoeuvre of an uneven road surface, Vehicle System Dynamics, том 20(1), стр. стр. 417-431
  4. O'Hara, S., R.,, 1950, Vehicle path optimization of emergency lane change maneuvers for vehicle simulation, MSc, <University of Maryland>
  5. ISO 3888-2:2011. Passenger cars – Test track for a severe lane-change manoeuvre – Part 2: Obstacle avoidance
  6. Segel, M., 1956, Theoretical prediction and experimental substantiation of the response of the automobile to steering control., Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Automobile Division, том 10(1), стр. стр. 310-330
  7. Wong, J., 1978, Theory of ground vehicles, New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


Annual Scientific Conference of Angel Kanchev University of Ruse and Union of Scientists - Ruse, vol. 54, issue 4, pp. 13-18, 2015, Bulgaria, Ruse, RU ''Angel Kunchev'', ISSN 1311-3321

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