Autors: Pandiev, I. M.
Title: Analysis and simulation modeling of programmable circuits using digital potentiometers
Keywords: Mixed analogue digital integrated circuits, digital potentio

Abstract: In this paper an object of analysis and simulation modeling are the basic programmable circuits using CMOS digital potentiometers or Resistive Digital-to-Analog Converters (RDACs). Based on the analysis and principle of operation an improved SPICE – based behavioral model for RDAC potentiometers is created. The model accurately reflects resolution (wiper steps), nominal end-to-end resistance, wiper resistance, linear and nonlinear increment/decrement of the wiper, common-mode leakage current, operating bandwidth, analog crosstalk, temperature coefficients and noise effects. Model parameters are extracted for the dual RDAC potentiometer AD5235 from Analog Devices as an example. The workability of the proposed simulation model is verified by simulation modeling and experimental testing of sample electronic circuits.



    International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, vol. 5, issue 4, pp. 127-135, 2014, Poland, Lodz University Technology, ISSN 2080-8755

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. "Universal programmable DC amplifier for low frequency noise measurements," Ivanov, V.E., Chye, E.U., Levenets, A.V. 2019 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON 2019 - Proceedings 8729608, DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON.2019.8729608 - 2019 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
    2. Viktor E. Ivanov, En Un Chye, “Iterative Balancing Algorithm for Multistage DC Amplifiers,” 2021 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON), Kazan, Russia, 13-15 May 2021, DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON50419.2021.9438882. - 2021 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
    3. Коломыцев Н.В., Иванов В.Э., Левенец А.В., Чье Ен Ун, “Моделирование алгоритмов защиты усилителя постоянного тока с цифровой системой управления”, Информатика и системы управления, ISSN: 1814-2400, Номер: 1 (71) Год: 2022 Страницы: 41-52, УДК: 621.375.024. DOI: 10.22250/18142400_2022_71_1_41. - 2022 - от чужди автори в чужди издания, неиндексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
    4. Ivanov V.E., Chye E.U., “Low-Noise DC Instrumentation Amplifier with Digital Control and Built-In Data Processing,” Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, ISSN: 2190-3018, vol. 272, pp. 611 – 618, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-8759-4_63. - 2022 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
    5. V. Ivanov, E. U. Chye, “Fast protection algorithms for low-noise DC amplifiers,” 2023 AIP Publishing LLC 17–18 November 2022 IV INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC FORUM ON COMPUTER AND ENERGY SCIENCES (WFCES II 2022), ISSN: 1551-7616, Almaty, Kazakhstan, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1063/5.0165322. - 2023 - от чужди автори в чужди издания, неиндексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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