Autors: Stoynov, V. R., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V.
Title: Aggregated Assessment of Downlink Resource Scheduling Techniques in Indoor Environments via a Comparative Factor
Keywords: Resource scheduling techniques, Small cells, Indoor communic

Abstract: To provide an excellent Quality of Service (QoS) to indoor users is a main goal of next-generation networks (NGNs). Intelligent radio resource distribution techniques play an important role in improving the overall performance of NGNs. A key challenge is to achieve an optimal trade-off between data rates and fairness for cell-centre and cell-edge users. In this paper we compare several downlink Resource Scheduling Techniques (RSTs) in indoor environments, simulated using the Realistic Indoor Environment Generator (RIEG). A Comparative Factor (CF) that simultaneously takes into account the average throughput of the indoor users, the fairness and the outage ratio is proposed. The results show the best choice for downlink RST in indoor wireless networks when a balance between several performance parameters is required.



    59th International Symposium - ELMAR 2017, 18-20 September 2017, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 185-188, 2017, Croatia, ISBN: 978-953-184-230-3 / ISSN: 1334-2630 / DOI: 10.23919/ELMAR.2017.8124464

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