Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Усещането за несправедливост: как да го разбираме в етико-приложна перспектива?
Ключови думи: три понятия за справедливост, усещане за справедливост и нес

Абстракт: Thе text problematizes the notion of justice in the perspective of applied behavioral ethics. Justice is not only a philosophical category or a legal-political value. The focus in this paper is on the emotional side of justice, i.e. the feeling of justice. The goal is to conceptualize new phenomena in public behavior today - the perception of social ties and the manifestations of injustice as specific social feeling. The conseptial framework for explaining the sense of feeling of justice is constructed. There is a distinction between three terms - justice as a general principle, legal justice, rewarded by laws, institutions and experts, and social justice. The last one does not coincide with individual understanding of justice. Special attention is being paid to the sense of injustice in human resources management.



    Сборник студии и статии "Морал и етика на справедливостта в съвременното общество", том -, стр. стр. 187-198 стр., 2017, България, София, Авангард Прима, ISBN 978-619-160-749-5

    Издателските права се държат от Авангард Прима

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Title: The feeling of injustice: how to understand it in the perspective of applied ethics?
    Keywords: Three concepts of justice, sense of justice and sense of injustice, moral philosophy, social feelings, unfairness and injustice in human resources management

    Abstract: The text problematizes the notion of justice in the perspective of applied behavioral ethics. Justice is not only a philosophical category or a legal-political value. The focus in this paper is on the emotional side of justice, i.e. the feeling of justice. The goal is to conceptualize new phenomena in public behavior today - the perception of social ties and the manifestations of injustice as specific social feeling. The conseptial framework for explaining the sense of feeling of justice is constructed. There is a distinction between three terms - justice as a general principle, legal justice, rewarded by laws, institutions and experts, and social justice. The last one does not coincide with individual understanding of justice. Special attention is being paid to the sense of injustice in human resources management.



      Morality and Ethics of Justice in Contemporary Society, vol. -, pp. 187-198 стр., 2017, Bulgaria, Sofia, Avangard Prima, ISBN 978-619-160-749-5

      Copyright Авангард Прима

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