Autors: MARINOVA, G. I., Tchobanova, Z. N.
Title: Telecommunication System for green economy - a survey
Keywords: energy consumption, green communication, USRP

Abstract: The fast telecommunications development raises the question of power consumption in communication systems, as well as its impact on the environment. Another important issue is the electromagnetic pollution due to the use of these systems. The article is a brief overview of the energy consumption in various types of communication systems -data centers, cloud computing, networks, systems, devices and circuits. The proposed solutions to tackle the problem vary depending of the type of communication system. Most commonly a low-power mode is used when there is absence of traffic in the entire system or part of it. It is called economical or "sleep mode". Other good practices are developing new algorithms and protocols that improve the energy efficiency of the system.



    Electrotechnica&Electronica E+E, vol. 52, issue 1, pp. 10-16, 2017, Bulgaria, CEEC, Bulgaria, ISSN 0861-4717

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