Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Каменов, В. В., Иванов, В. Г.
Заглавие: ICC printer profiles research with color think pro software as a method for color management education
Ключови думи: Color, Color management, color management education

Абстракт: In accordance to the authors’ science project of evaluating the quality of office color printers, sponsored by the Bulgarian Science Research Fund, the following article will investigate a part of the “jungle” of color management and its implementation in color quality evaluation, namely – ICC printer profiles. How do you know if your ICC profile is valid? If the profile is for a printer, you can output a number of representative images and examine the prints under controlled lighting. Various problems, including poor output quality or print-to-screen mismatching, are not uncommon, and it can be difficult to root out the problem within the color management chain. Was the device behaving properly prior to generating the profile (are all ink heads firing)? Is a series of gray patches really gray or do they only appear to be under this lighting? Is the gamut of the device sufficient to reproduce the colors in your images? Such questions are best answered with the analytical and statist


  1. Chromix Inc., 2013, Colorthink Pro, 05.04.2017, <http://www2.chromix.com/colorthink/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 28.04.2017
  2. Fairchild, M. D., 1998, Color Appearance Models, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley
  3. Gustavson, S., 1997, Color gamut of halftone reproduction, J. Imaging Sci. Technol., том 41(2), стр. стр. 283-290
  4. Hunt, R.W.G., 1975, The Reproduction of Colour, 3rd. ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons


списание Инженерно проектиране, том 1, брой 17, стр. стр. 109-112, 2013, България, Sofia, TU-Sofia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1313-7530

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Kamenov, V. V., Ivanov, V. G.
Title: ICC printer profiles research with color think pro software as a method for color management education
Keywords: Color, Color management, color management education

Abstract: In accordance to the authors’ science project of evaluating the quality of office color printers, sponsored by the Bulgarian Science Research Fund, the following article will investigate a part of the “jungle” of color management and its implementation in color quality evaluation, namely – ICC printer profiles. How do you know if your ICC profile is valid? If the profile is for a printer, you can output a number of representative images and examine the prints under controlled lighting. Various problems, including poor output quality or print-to-screen mismatching, are not uncommon, and it can be difficult to root out the problem within the color management chain. Was the device behaving properly prior to generating the profile (are all ink heads firing)? Is a series of gray patches really gray or do they only appear to be under this lighting? Is the gamut of the device sufficient to reproduce the colors in your images? Such questions are best answered with the analytical and statist


  1. Chromix Inc., 2013, Colorthink Pro, 05.04.2017, <http://www2.chromix.com/colorthink/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 28.04.2017
  2. Fairchild, M. D., 1998, Color Appearance Models, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley
  3. Gustavson, S., 1997, Color gamut of halftone reproduction, J. Imaging Sci. Technol., том 41(2), стр. стр. 283-290
  4. Hunt, R.W.G., 1975, The Reproduction of Colour, 3rd. ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons


Engineering Design Magazine, vol. 1, issue 17, pp. 109-112, 2013, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU-Sofia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1313-7530

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