Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Каменов, В. В., Иванов, В. Г.
Заглавие: Scanners – how to ensure accurate color rendering and measurements of printer test targets from color printers
Ключови думи: Color Printer, Printing, Calibration

Абстракт: In accordance to the authors’ science project of evaluating the quality of office color printers, sponsored by the Bulgarian Science Research Fund, the following article will investigate a part of the “jungle” of color management and its implementation in color quality evaluation of scanners. With evolving and rapidly changing technology of digital cameras, printers, and monitors, one would expect that use of scanners would diminish over the time. Although digital cameras are the most popular devices used to capture photos, scanners are still widely used for converting media such as pictures, artwork, documents, transparencies, slides, and film negatives into an electronic format. This article discusses calibration, characterization, and profiling of lower-end scanners. Use of ISO scanner calibration targets, handful of software applications, and "how-to's" is described. Comparisons are made for different scanner targets and software applications.


  1. Imatest Inc., 2013, Imatest Inc., <http://www.imatest.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  2. Datacolor Inc., 2013, Datacolor Inc., <http://www.datacolor.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  3. Norman Koren, 2013, Norman Koren blog, <http://www.normankoren.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  4. Marcel Patek, 2013, Marcel Patek blog, <http://www.marcelpatek.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  5. Babel Color Inc., 2013, Babel Color, <http://www.babelcolor.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  6. Xrite, 2013, Xrite, <http://www.xrite.com>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  7. Ahmed, Н., Rao, K. R., 1975, Orthogonal Transforms for Digital Signal Processing, New York, Springer-Verlag
  8. Balasubramanian, R., 1995, A printer model for dot-on-dot halftone screens, Proc. SPIE: Color Hard Copy and Graphic Arts, том IV, 2413, стр. стр. 356-364
  9. Braun, G. J., Fairchild, M. D., Ebner, F., 1998, Color gamut mapping in a hue - linearized CIELAB color space, Proc. IS&T/SID Sixth Color Imaging Confer¬ence: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, AZ, том I, стр. стр. 163-168


списание Инженерно проектиране, том 1, брой 17, стр. стр. 95-100, 2013, България, Sofia, TU-Sofia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1313-7530

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Kamenov, V. V., Ivanov, V. G.
Title: Scanners – how to ensure accurate color rendering and measurements of printer test targets from color printers
Keywords: Color Printer, Printing, Calibration

Abstract: In accordance to the authors’ science project of evaluating the quality of office color printers, sponsored by the Bulgarian Science Research Fund, the following article will investigate a part of the “jungle” of color management and its implementation in color quality evaluation of scanners. With evolving and rapidly changing technology of digital cameras, printers, and monitors, one would expect that use of scanners would diminish over the time. Although digital cameras are the most popular devices used to capture photos, scanners are still widely used for converting media such as pictures, artwork, documents, transparencies, slides, and film negatives into an electronic format. This article discusses calibration, characterization, and profiling of lower-end scanners. Use of ISO scanner calibration targets, handful of software applications, and "how-to's" is described. Comparisons are made for different scanner targets and software applications.


  1. Imatest Inc., 2013, Imatest Inc., <http://www.imatest.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  2. Datacolor Inc., 2013, Datacolor Inc., <http://www.datacolor.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  3. Norman Koren, 2013, Norman Koren blog, <http://www.normankoren.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  4. Marcel Patek, 2013, Marcel Patek blog, <http://www.marcelpatek.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  5. Babel Color Inc., 2013, Babel Color, <http://www.babelcolor.com/>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  6. Xrite, 2013, Xrite, <http://www.xrite.com>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 05.04.2017
  7. Ahmed, Н., Rao, K. R., 1975, Orthogonal Transforms for Digital Signal Processing, New York, Springer-Verlag
  8. Balasubramanian, R., 1995, A printer model for dot-on-dot halftone screens, Proc. SPIE: Color Hard Copy and Graphic Arts, том IV, 2413, стр. стр. 356-364
  9. Braun, G. J., Fairchild, M. D., Ebner, F., 1998, Color gamut mapping in a hue - linearized CIELAB color space, Proc. IS&T/SID Sixth Color Imaging Confer¬ence: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, AZ, том I, стр. стр. 163-168


Engineering Design Magazine, vol. 1, issue 17, pp. 95-100, 2013, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU-Sofia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1313-7530

Full text of the publication

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