Autors: Lelcheva, M., Serbezov, V. S.
Title: Numerical Evaluation of the Impact of the Operational Conditions on the Fuel Consumption of an Alternative Auxiliary Power Unitна
Keywords: auxiliary power unit (APU), diesel engine, gas turbine engin

Abstract: The aim of this effort was to continue the PhD thesis research "Boosted Diesel Engine as an Auxiliary Power Unit for Commercial Transport Aircraft" conducted by one of the coauthors. The calculation algorithms were slightly improved. The number of calculation cases was significantly increased, allowing more in depth analysis of the impact of the operational conditions on the fuel efficiency of a passenger airplane equipped with a diesel auxiliary power unit.



    BulTrans-2015, pp. 17-20, 2015, Bulgaria, Издателство на Техническия университет – София, ISBN ISSN 1313-955X

    Copyright ТУ-София

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