Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Ташев, А. М., Димитров, Е. Ц.
Заглавие: Резултати от предварителни стендови изпитвания на дизелови двигатели, работещи по газо-дизелов работен цикъл
Ключови думи: дизелови двигатели с вътрешно горене, газо-дизелов работен п

Абстракт: В статията са представени експериментални данни, получени при работата на два двигателя – Д 3900 и Volkswagen 1.9D, работещи по газо-дизелов работен цикъл. Газовото гориво, използвано при двигател Д 3900 е сгъстен природен газ – метан, a при двигателя Volkswagen 1.9D е втечнен петролен газ – смес от пропан и бутан. От проведените стендови изпитвания е установено влошаване на икономичните показатели при ниски натоварвания, като с увеличаване на натоварването икономичните показатели при работа двигателя по газо-дизелов работен цикъл се доближават до тези при работата му с конвенционално дизелово гориво. Наблюдава се повишаване на концентрацията на въглероден окис – СО, въглеводороди – CH, намаляване на концентрацията на азотни окиси – NOx и на димността на отработилите газове на двигателя, при работата му с добавка газово гориво. газово гориво.


  1. Attia, M. S., 2014, An experimental investigation on performance and emissions of a single cylinder dual fuel Diesel-CNG engine combined with EGR, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, том 3(3), стр. стр. pp. 91-102
  2. Charkaborty, A; Sumit, R.; Banekree, A., 2016, An experimental based ANN approach in mapping perfomance emission characteristics of diesel engine operating in dual-fuel mode with LPG, Journal ot Natural Gas Science and Engineering, том 28, стр. стр. pp. 15-30
  3. Egusquiza, J. C.; Baraga, S.L.; Baraga, S.V.M., 2009, Performance and gaseous emissions characteristics of a natural gas/diesel dual fuel turbochargered and aftercooled engine, ABCM, том 31(2), стр. стр. pp. 142-150
  4. Ehsan, Md., 2009, Dual fuel performance of a small diesel engine for applications with less frequent load veriation, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, том 9, стр. стр. pp. 19-28
  5. Kumaraswamy, A.; Prasad, B.D., 2012, Performance analysis of a dual-fuel engine using LPG and diesel with EGR system, Procedia Engineering, том 38, стр. стр. pp. 2784-2792
  6. Lata, B.D.; Misra, A., 2012, Experimental investigation on the performance of a dual fuel diesel engine with hydrogen and LPG as secondary fuel, International Conference on Future Electrical Power and Energy System Lecture Notes in Information Technology, том 9, стр. стр. pp. 538-543
  7. Nwafor, O, 2000, Effect of advanced injection timind on the performance of natural gas in diesel engine, Sadhana, том 25(1), стр. стр. pp. 11-20
  8. Polk, A. C.; Carpenter, Ch. D.; Srinivasan, K.K.; Krishan, S.R., 2014, An investigation of diesel-ignited propane dual fuel combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine, Fuel, том 132, стр. стр. pp. 135-148
  9. Saleh, H.E., 2008, Effect of variation in LPG composition on emissions and performance in a dual fuel diesel engiene, Fuel, том 87, стр. стр. pp. 3031-3039
  10. Rao, G.A., 2011, Effect of LPG content on the performance and emissions of a Diesel-LPG dual-fuel engine, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, том 46(2), стр. стр. pp. 195-200


БулТранс-2016, брой 8, стр. стр. 75 - 80, 2016, България, Издателство на Техническия университет – София, ISSN 1313-955X

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Tashev, A. M., Dimitrov, E. T.
Title: An experimental results of compression ignition engines operating in dual-fuel mode
Keywords: diesel engine, dual-fuels, gas fuels

Abstract: This paper presents an experimental results, obtained from the operation of two internal combustion engines – Perkins D3900 and Volkswagen 1.9 working on gas-diesel duty cycle. The gas fuel used in Perkins D3900 is compressed natural gas (CNG) - methane while the gas fuel used in Volkswagen 1.9D engine is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – a mixture of propane and butane. From the conducted experiments has been established that dual-fuel mode lead to increasing of the fuel consumption at low loads but with increasing the load there is no significant different between fuel consumption when engine work on dualfuel mode or operate with diesel fuel. There is increasing the concentration of carbon monoxide – CO, hydrocarbons – CH, reducing the concentration of nitrogen oxides – NOx and soot emissions in exhaust gas of the engine in dual-fuel mode.


  1. Attia, M. S., 2014, An experimental investigation on performance and emissions of a single cylinder dual fuel Diesel-CNG engine combined with EGR, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, том 3(3), стр. стр. pp. 91-102
  2. Charkaborty, A; Sumit, R.; Banekree, A., 2016, An experimental based ANN approach in mapping perfomance emission characteristics of diesel engine operating in dual-fuel mode with LPG, Journal ot Natural Gas Science and Engineering, том 28, стр. стр. pp. 15-30
  3. Egusquiza, J. C.; Baraga, S.L.; Baraga, S.V.M., 2009, Performance and gaseous emissions characteristics of a natural gas/diesel dual fuel turbochargered and aftercooled engine, ABCM, том 31(2), стр. стр. pp. 142-150
  4. Ehsan, Md., 2009, Dual fuel performance of a small diesel engine for applications with less frequent load veriation, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, том 9, стр. стр. pp. 19-28
  5. Kumaraswamy, A.; Prasad, B.D., 2012, Performance analysis of a dual-fuel engine using LPG and diesel with EGR system, Procedia Engineering, том 38, стр. стр. pp. 2784-2792
  6. Lata, B.D.; Misra, A., 2012, Experimental investigation on the performance of a dual fuel diesel engine with hydrogen and LPG as secondary fuel, International Conference on Future Electrical Power and Energy System Lecture Notes in Information Technology, том 9, стр. стр. pp. 538-543
  7. Nwafor, O, 2000, Effect of advanced injection timind on the performance of natural gas in diesel engine, Sadhana, том 25(1), стр. стр. pp. 11-20
  8. Polk, A. C.; Carpenter, Ch. D.; Srinivasan, K.K.; Krishan, S.R., 2014, An investigation of diesel-ignited propane dual fuel combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine, Fuel, том 132, стр. стр. pp. 135-148
  9. Saleh, H.E., 2008, Effect of variation in LPG composition on emissions and performance in a dual fuel diesel engiene, Fuel, том 87, стр. стр. pp. 3031-3039
  10. Rao, G.A., 2011, Effect of LPG content on the performance and emissions of a Diesel-LPG dual-fuel engine, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, том 46(2), стр. стр. pp. 195-200


BulTrans-2016, issue 8, pp. 75 - 80, 2016, Bulgaria, Technical University Academic Publishing House, ISSN 1313-955X

Full text of the publication

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