Autors: PleshkovaBekiarska, S. G., Kirechev, A. V. Title: Development of Method for Predicting the Influence of Elastic Porous Materials on Coincidence Frequency of Walls for Sound Insulation Based on Composite Structures Keywords: Sound insulation; Composite wall structures; Elastic porous Abstract: Coincidence effect of wall structures for sound insulation have important role when the transmission loss between two rooms is considered. Often the coincidence frequency range is at high frequencies where the human earing is more sensible. In order to reduce dips of transmission loss at coincidence frequency range the elastic porous materials are added to the sound insulation wall structures. The goal of this article is to develop a suitable method for predicting the influence of elastic porous materials on coincidence frequency of composite sound insulation wall structures. The solid, porous, fluid layers and their corresponding interfaces between the layers of used composite sound insulation wall structures are presented with appropriate models. The proposed models are used in numerical calculations for some chosen composite wall structures made of medium density fiberboard (MDF), elastic porous material and gypsum board. References
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